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White Paper Addressing Updated AMCA Standard 250-22 

Reading Time: 1 minute

Close up of the IV Smart EC Jet Fan in a parking garage

In January, 2022, the Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) announced the publication of a revised standard, ANSI/AMCA 250-22 [Laboratory Methods of Testing Jet Fans for Performance].  

After reviewing the announcement, Systemair has released a white paper for parking garage engineers and designers entitled, “Certified Performance Data of Jet Fans: Accuracy Leads to Safety”.   

 We’ve outlined why the ANSI/AMCA Standard 250-22 is the most accurate 3rd party certification for testing thrust and airflow performance in jet fans, as well as, why this standard is important for carpark ventilation.  

To download the white paper, use this link AMCA 250 White Paper