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Introducing the Next-Generation Ventilation Design Tool

Reading time: 2 minutes

Changeair vertical unit ventilators from Systemair offer a decentralized solution for classroom ventilation, making it easy to configure and tailor ventilation for each room and application. Now, specifying Changeair VUVs is easier than ever with the launch of Systemair CLASS 2.0, an online ventilation design tool that helps engineers and project owners compare and select the right units for each project—and each classroom.

Woman looking a laptop screen. Screen has CLASS 2.0 open

How the CLASS 2.0 Ventilation Design Tool Makes Specification Simple

At its core, CLASS 2.0 is a product selection tool, but its capabilities allow for much more than that. Users start by entering their project information, including classroom supply air volume, outside air volume, unit design, heating type, cooling type, electrical voltage, energy recovery, outside air properties, classroom design temperature targets, filter strength, and much more. The engineer can then compare and select from matching units, configuring the parameters as needed to find the perfect match for each classroom within a single project.

From within the design tool, users can dive deep into product details, compare products side by side, and make changes in real-time. Once products are chosen, CLASS 2.0 provides pricing quotes, specification documentation, and design files. Users also can share projects with other team members, with viewing and/or editing permissions.

Sales reps can access the tool on behalf of end users to adjust pricing and review data to ensure the customer’s needs are being met and products are the right fit. In a matter of minutes, a tailor-made and designed classroom unit ventilator is ready for the engineer to review or to be specified.

Image of a laptop with the CLASS 2.0 metrics page on the screen

A Smarter Ventilation Design Tool

Not only does the new CLASS 2.0 ventilation design tool provide more in-depth analysis and capabilities compared to the previous software version, but it also has a smarter, more user-friendly dashboard. Projects are easier to find, sort, and load, and users can drill down deeper into the product catalog for greater detail. Engineers can essentially map out the school building in list form, making it more efficient and more intuitive to plan for each space.

CLASS 2.0 offers smarter calculations than the earlier version, with live and more detailed data.

The tool also now pulls ASHRAE weather data that allows the engineer to factor in the local region’s worst-case climate scenarios and air properties. Along with product pricing and documentation, end users have access to instant Revit files for on-screen interaction; DXF and Revit files can be downloaded, as well.

Finally, CLASS 2.0 is designed to be futureproof, making it easier for Systemair engineers to add and change features to enhance and expand useability going forward.

Get Started With Class 2.0

Weather you're new to CLASS software or ready to upgrade from the original, we've got you covered.